Paul Scherrer Institut
Gabriel Aeppli is professor of physics at ETH Zürich and EPF Lausanne, and head of the Center for Photon Science of the Paul Scherrer Institute. All of his degrees are from MIT and include a BSc in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, and MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering. He started his career as a work-study student at IBM and after his PhD moved to Bell Laboratories and then NEC, and worked on problems ranging from liquid crystals to magnetic data storage. He was subsequently co-founder and director of the London Centre for Nanotechnology and Quain Professor at University College London. Aeppli also cofounded the Bio-Nano Consulting Company, of which he remains a nonexecutive director. He is a frequent advisor to numerous entities worldwide engaged in the funding, evaluation and management of science and technology. Honors include the Mott Prize of the Institute of Physics (London), the Oliver Buckley prize of the American Physical Society, the Néel Medal/International Magnetism Prize of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, election to the US Academy of Arts and Sciences, the US National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society.
Quantum sensors and qubits are usually two-level systems, quantum analogs of classical bits assuming binary values ‘0' or ‘1'. They are useful to the extent to which superpositions of ‘0’ and ‘1’ persist despite a noisy environment. The standard prescription to avoid decoherence of solid-state qubits is their isolation via extreme dilution in ultrapure materials. We demonstrate a different strategy using a rare-earth insulator which realizes a dense random network of interacting two-level systems. Qubits with ultralong decoherence times emerge within this network because of rather than in spite of the interactions. The results are placed in the context of an architecture for solid state rare-earth based quantum processors.
邀请人:靳常青(8264 9163)
联系人:胡 颖(8264 9361)