题目: [磁学实验室学术报告] Exploration the physics of robust magnetostrictive Fe-Ga alloys
时间: 2024年08月26日 10:00
报告人: Qingfeng Xing

Iowa state University


Fe-Ga magnetostrictive alloys have their advantages in robustness and low production cost over Tefenol alloys. There have been theoretical debates in the origin of the large magnetostriction. This work is to explore the physics of the magnetostriction by understanding their structure-property relationships via complementary tools. The practical characterization work including development of sample preparation techniques, control of facilities for characterization, and refinement of characterization techniques can be challenging. The physics of a technique can remain unchanged for decades, but technology advances can provide new capabilities of an old technique. By electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, the structure-property relationship of the magnetostrictive iron-based alloys has been clarified.


Dr. Xing is currently a research scientist at the Microelectronics Research Center, Iowa State University. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Harbin Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. from Hiroshima University, Japan in 2003. He has performed research at Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark, University of New Orleans, and Ames Laboratory. Dr. Xing has a broad range of research interests and is focused in materials characterization with varies tools. He has over 40 publications in Acta Materialia, Ultramicroscopy, Physical Review B and et al.

联系人:张颖 (18601371920,yzhang@iphy.ac.cn)
